Real talk. This is my stunning cousin Becca. We look nothing alike (Except that we’re both short. 😂 ) and this is her future husband Alex!
I think it’s funny how life plays out sometimes. Becca & Alex actually met a number of years ago in college. While never more than friends, they reconnected a couple of years ago. They started talking, but again, just as friends.
It took a little bit of time, but eventually, Alex convinced her to go out with him on a date. (I’m really glad he did!) The rest, as they say, is history. Some things are just meant to be. 🙂
Becca & Alex, thank you so much for exploring Downtown Naperville with me! Blake and I are so excited for you two and we can’t wait for your wedding this March!!!
Now, grab a blanket and snuggle up. Your sneak peek is live!
Becca & Alex, THANK YOU so much for having me! I loved getting to do engagement photos for you two and Blake and I couldn’t be more excited for y’all as you start this next chapter. 🙂
More photos soon!
Much Love Friend,
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December 4, 2020